Disciple Making Seminar

Disciple Making Seminar

Disciple Making Seminar

A two-day practical approach to local church disciple-making

A two-day practical approach to local church disciple-making

A two-day practical approach to local church disciple-making

See the New Testament Imperative

What does Biblical disciple-making look like in a 21st-century local church? How can pastors overcome years or even decades of inertia to make disciple-making a reality in the local church?

Discover a Disciple-Making Culture

With the increasing demands of pastoral ministry, how does a pastor entrust faithful things to faithful men (2 Tim. 2:2)? How does a pastor prioritize this mentorship by which Jesus will continue to build His church? Discover how mentorship is happening today in like-minded churches across the country and learn from those who have already begun to train others.

Identify & Encourage Healthy Growth

Healthy growth starts with a humble pastoral example. The words of Paul echo through the pastor's life: follow me as I follow Christ (1 Cor. 1:11). Learn how modeling relationships in your family, community, and church are essential as your church follows Christ through you.

Advanced Disciple-Making Seminar

If you've already taken the disciple-making seminar and have begun implementing it in your local church, you'll find the practical, round-table style discussions at the 3-day advanced seminar helpful for generations to come.

Arch Ministries connects like-minded churches and organizations to strengthen and expand gospel-centered, disciple-making communities across the globe.

© Arch Ministries 2023

Arch Ministries connects like-minded churches and organizations to strengthen and expand gospel-centered, disciple-making communities across the globe.

© Arch Ministries 2023

Arch Ministries connects like-minded churches and organizations to strengthen and expand gospel-centered, disciple-making communities across the globe.

© Arch Ministries 2023